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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is your take on heaven and hell?

Day 28

Ok! I am not a very religious buff but I ran into a very interesting conversation today. The ideology of heaven and hell. I understand different people have different opinions on this topic, and no one is judging any believes,  This is just my rambling on this topic. I heard a song on YouTube by Albert King today that stated "Everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die." Coincidentally one of my friend blogged: Is hell real? Will the world be a better place if the theory of hell was real?

So here is my question: What is your take on heaven and hell?

The theory of heaven and hell would incorporate as the following "If you do good deeds in life, you will go to heaven and If you do bad deeds in life, you will face hell. Heaven serves happiness, and hell serves punishment." But the calculation of heaven and hell is normally classified as the aftermath of life, and this is why the song of Albert King is extremely powerful. Death is a guaranteed phenomena that humans face at the end of their life, but the aftermath of life is unknown. My biased outlook on this topic is that your purpose on earth is to live to the fullest.

Why are we concerned on the aftermath of life? Why don't we focus on our purpose to live the life to the fullest? If you live your life miserable, unhappy, sad, devastated, negative, etc, isn't that equivalent to hell? But if you life your life improving, building, happy, positive, etc. isn't that heaven on earth? Why do we worry about the aftermath, when we can live the concept of heaven and hell today? Why worry about the unknown when the known can be positive?

"Why worry about the next heartbeat, when you have not completely finished living the current heartbeat"

~Lenji Jacob


Albert King -- Everybody Wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die - YouTube . (2011, May 16). YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. . Retrieved August 28, 2012, from



From what I have understood, this life is just a passing wind, maybe another few years or a few decades or maybe it will end today. But there is an eternity after that.

Is it not foolish to live this momentary life like there is no tomorrow and then regret it for the rest of eternity? We dont do that in our normal life here. We save for tomorrow, we plan for tomorrow, we live today so that we have a better tomorrow. If that is the care we give to this life of 20,40 or 60 years how much more care must be give for the tomorrow forever?

Lenji Jacob said...

Excellent point, but my argument is if your create heaven in your present with positivity, then the unknown is a smooth transition. Imagine your life as a positive following river, when it merges with the ocean, the transition is smooth.