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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Should the Motor Vehicle Authority administer an age cut of point for issuing driver’s license?

Day 51

In this month on the evening news I have heard over three incidents that included a senior citizen involved in a car accident. The vehicle accident has caused injuries to the victims. The citizens did not have any prior criminal record and unfortunately the accidents were caused because they had lost control of the vehicle. 

Here is a news article on Aug 31st 2012: Senior Citizen Crashes Car into Building. The news article talks about a 92 year old driver had pressed the accelerated instead of the brake pedal. As a result to this action the vehicle crashed into a building. The senior Citizen was lucky with no injuries (Christi, 2012).

So here is my question: Should the Motor Vehicle Authority administer an age cut of point for issuing driver’s license?

When I addressed this question, the question brings forwards two opposite arguments
Argument 1: This argument supports the safety of the senior drivers and recommends determining an age limit to stop issuing driver’s license. The argument takes into consideration to the response times, medical conditions like Alzheimer’s, and many more

Argument 2: This argument supports the aspect of freedom and independence for the senior drivers. This argument debates taking away the driving privilege creates dependency for the seniors. 

Do you think if a driver’s license is issued after a certain age, the renewable time should be one year with free license renewable options? Do you think the senior citizen driver’s license renewable should include an updated medical record from the primary doctor? Should there be a maximum driving mileage set for citizen after a certain age?

“What is the value of safety with compromised freedom?”

~Lenji Jacob

Christi, C. (2012) Senior Citizen Crashes Car Into Building - South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend. South Texas, Corpus Christi, Coastal Bend - Home Retrieved September 20, 2012, from

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