Blog Archive

Friday, October 5, 2012

Do you have a support system that help you in times of a challenge?

Support System

Day 66

Today I decided to enter a new mission to sign up for start working out on regular basis. After living a lazy lifestyle getting back on top of the treadmills, lifting weights was a challenge. The feeling of anger rose within me for not paying attention to my health and letting myself get obese. Luckily for me I have a great support system to enter this challenge.

So here is my question: Do you have a support system that helps you in times of a challenge?

With an excellent support system the option of quitting becomes obsolete. Is this the reason most of the therapies or rehabs are in group sessions creating a support system? What is the ratio of success for accomplishing a challenge individually versus group session?

Is it necessary that your support has a stronger personality than you? Should the support system require group of humans attempting to achieve the same goals? How long does a human need a support system before they can become independent? Does support system create a sense of dependency?

If a support system creates a sense of dependency do you need another support system to break free? Is the concept of the support system a lifelong commitment? Sometimes the presence of another human creates a boosting environment.

"My support system paradigms a bridge that helps me cross the sea of barriers"

~Lenji Jacob

  1. Picture:

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