Day 34
As many Americans planned the Labor Day shopping, I was at an outlet mallshopping. The outlet mall were extremely packed with customers and butsurprisingly we found a parking spot soon. The vendors were providing specialdiscount sales on their products, and today may create a little economy boostin the country. According to United States Department of Labor " LaborDay, the first Monday in September, is a creation of the labor movement and isdedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. Itconstitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made tothe strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country."
So here is my question: How are we celebrating Labor Day with thishigh unemployment rate?
Throughout the shopping spree this is the one question that was unsettlingme. Have we lost the true sense of importance of Labor Day? The purpose of theday was to focus on American Workers, but with high unemployment where is thefocus? Has the concept of this day become an economy boost, and vendorprofitability? What is the amount of profit that is reinvesting improving thelives of the unemployed American Workers? Where are the strength, prosperityand well-being of the country? Has it become the well-being of only theaffordable?
The idea of Labor Day has become a three day or long weekend off. Now thissounds more like a leisure day rather than Labor Day. With the growingunemployment rate and the growing prices, America is trending towards the richand the poor and the middle class working Americans are becoming obsolete. Wehad the housing market crash, with high bankruptcies where the working Americanhave trouble saving their own homes. Where is the production in the country?Most of the items we buy on Labor Day shopping are produced outside thecountry. We have states like Rhode Island filing for bankruptcy and city likeDetroit failing because of no productions jobs. Labor Day needs to refocus onproviding the three basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter to the Americansociety.
“Hoping that living the American Dream,does not become a dream”
U.S. DOL - The History of Labor Day. (n.d.). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved September 3, 2012, from
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